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Our safety commitment

For us, safety means more than just following the rules. Complying with national and ICAO aviation regulations is obviously crucial, but safety is also about proactively managing risks through processes and systems that surpass the regulatory minimums established by civil aviation authorities.

Safety is the fundamental pillar on which our company is built. It is both a value deeply rooted in our work ethic, and a principle that we know is expected by each of our past, present and future passengers.

Your safety is our business!

How do we guarantee your safety?

  • Safety Management System (SMS)

A Safety Management System (SMS) is a set of rules, procedures and systems used in the identification, mitigation and elimination of potential hazards or risks associated with aviation operations.

What does this mean?

This means that any activity we undertake - whether it's flying our planes, performing maintenance on our engines, or any of the thousands of processes needed to get you from point A to point B - is set in a way to eliminate or reduce the possibility of an error. It also means that everyone working within Tamara takes responsibility for identifying, assessing and disclosing potential risks. The SMS also aims to promote a culture of safety and a standard of excellent communication.

The SMS in Tamara is implemented through:

  • A safety policy signed by the accountable manager 

  • Full-time employment of a safety manager

  • An SMS manual

  • An electronic SMS interface allowing any employee to report in complete confidentiality on risk, hazards, or event that they deem unsafe.

  • By working closely with ANAC Niger and the Aeronautical industry

We ensure that all of our manuals, procedures and policies comply with ANAC Niger regulations and recommendations and that they are also based on best practices recommended by the aviation industry.
We regularly invite external auditors to our facilities, so that they perform comprehensive assessments of our operations and our level of safety.

  • Appropriate staff training

Each employee at Tamara undergoes initial training as well as regular refresher course depending on the position he occupies. We have a training director who makes sure that everyone working in Tamara, at all times, is qualified, trained and at the necessary level to do their job.

Whether it is a pilot, a dispatcher, a manager or a handling agent, their training file is regularly audited and updated..

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